Adverts TV
TV Commercials
Television advertisement or commercial is advertising via the television medium. Most commercials are produced by an outside advertising agency and airtime is purchased from a Media Agency or direct from the TV channel or network. This is by far one of the most expensive forms of advertising. When the key factory of advertising comes into play namely “advertising should generate return on investment ten-fold” it becomes evident that not every type of product can be successfully advertised on television. The costs involved in generating a commercial far out-weighs its positive effects on your market, you will for instance not see the café on the corner advertising on television mainly due to is negative cost effectiveness.
Those selected few that can afford to advertise on television, the medium can almost exclusively contribute to the company’s success in its market. One of the best examples of this is possibly the continuous competitive advertising of car manufacturers. Take a moment and think of a few adds you have seen on the telly lately. What makes that add memorable and most importantly what was advertised? If you can answer both of these questions without thinking about it for to long it was a successful commercial.
But generally people find advertising during programs annoying partly due to our rushed lifestyle and partly because the product offered at the time does not have relevance to the viewer at that point. New digital video recorders such as TiVo and PVR which allows the recording of television programs onto a hard disk has proven to be quite the destructive little monster for the television advertiser. Now the intended viewer can selectively skip over ad-breaks and resume his normal viewing without much of an interruption.
Looking at the scenario as the “glass half full” one can speculate that this technological development is forcing advertising agencies to start thinking out side of the normal perimeters and focus on new unexplored avenues offering ground breaking exposure and advertising successes for the future. 1021 design and media is one of those companies that make it their focus to envelope new ways of infiltrating the advance television advertising medium.
Herewith a few ways to collect your thoughts about your television ad-campaign:
Planning your Television Adverts
The planning starts with your budget outlay and your product, it is then time to get hold of a well organised media and design company with a wide variety of expertise to help you conceptualise your projects theme. Don’t be in a hurry, you may found that you will have to return to the drawing board a couple of times before the final concept takes complete form and you are ready for pre- production.
Pre production of your Multi-Media
Pre-production consists of a project plan were each contributing individual is identified and job sheets are compiled and integrated into the project plan that will ultimately come together at the right time with the right key individuals present. Do not be surprised if you find the project changing at this stage. That is the natural life span of just about any project. This is where contingencies are developed and “crisis management” is the general flavor of the day.
Production of your Multi-Media
Congratulations you are now in the phase where the drawing boards are brought to life and the opportunity for changing your mind has effectively passed. The project is slowly taking form and your vision for the product’s advertisement is taking shape. Your project’s success lies now in the hands of the professionals you have entrusted it with. That is why it is no imperatively important that you have complete trust in your media and design house and that you have built a relationship at this stage that will withstand the stress and anguish of the final make-up. Their skill and dedication to your product will ultimately dictate the success of the final product.
Viewing of the Production
It is common practice to get an audience together that accurately portray your intended target market for a pre-viewing. This is where you test the actual reactions of your target market against all the predicted figures, estimates and tables. Preliminary studies may give you and idea of the direction your advertisement needed to go but as the saying goes the “proof is in the pudding” and even though you have used the best ingredients your end product may not be in the taste of you audience.
If the advertisement failed to capture the imagination of your audience miserably is would be a lot of money wasted and generally will indicate a return to the drawing board. Many companies may feel that they will make use of an inferior product just because of the time and money that went into producing the commercial, but great care should be taken to avoid damage to a brand when a seemingly good idea failed to deliver.
1021 media and design is one of those companies that will not start with production until the client is completely at ease with the progress of the planning and pre production. You should take the time to come and meet us before making hasty decisions on who to entrust you next television advertisement project with.